How to seize the full potential of carbon markets and taxonomy regulations

Sustainable finance for Nature-based Solutions


How to seize the full potential of carbon markets and taxonomy regulations

Sustainable finance for Nature-based Solutions

French simultaneous interpretation available

Organized in the framework of the Luxembourg-GLF Finance for Nature Platform


30 March 2022


14:00 - 17:00





Carbon markets are critical to protecting nature and the planet.

What can we expect from new finance regulations for sustainable land use – and can the EU’s new green taxonomy be a game changer?

In 2021, we saw major breakthroughs in sustainable finance and policy, with progress in the development of carbon markets, the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, and the FOLUR Impact Programme on green commodities.

But will it be enough? In its latest report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that time is running out to stop the climate crisis, which is already affecting billions of people worldwide.

On 30 March, the Luxembourg-GLF Finance for Nature platform explored why humanity must scale up investments in nature-based solutions (NbS) to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss.

This digital forum convened practitioners, policymakers and scientists to explore opportunities for NbS investments emerging from recent developments in carbon finance and sustainable finance regulations, build dialogue to increase the adoption of good practices, and inform policy processes in this arena.



Further your career in resilient landscape management

Learn more about carbon finance for nature-based solutions by joining our new Carbon Finance Learning Program, a series of online seminars hosted by the Landscape Academy.

Featuring up to three experts per seminar, the program will cover key concepts in carbon finance, carbon accounting, selling carbon credits, and much more.

Applications are now open. Apply by 22


Bonn:GMT +2
Wednesday, 30 March 2022 LIVE NOW
Opening remarks LIVE NOW

Forests and sustainable land use are valuable tools in the fight against climate change. While they have historically been underfunded, interest and investment are on the rise, particularly through carbon finance.

But carbon finance remains largely focused on forests, while other land use sectors, such as agroforestry, still struggle to attract financing. In this panel discussion, we will explore the prospects for carbon markets in these sectors, opportunities for local carbon markets in the Global South, and how to transform corporate net-zero commitments into new sources of financing.

Announcement of a seminar series on carbon finance LIVE NOW

Learn more about carbon finance for nature-based solutions by joining our new Carbon Finance Learning Program, a series of online seminars hosted by the Landscape Academy.

Apply by 22 April.


Private companies are making record investments in sustainable projects. But how do we know if an investment is truly sustainable? Policymakers in the EU, China, Southeast Asia and elsewhere are developing taxonomies to distinguish between sustainable and unsustainable activities.

In this session, we discuss the next steps for the EU’s green taxonomy, the opportunities and challenges of creating taxonomy and disclosure regulations, and the potential of other mechanisms to ensure sustainable supply chains and more investments in nature-based solutions.

Closing remarks LIVE NOW

Investors are starting to pour money into climate solutions, but where are the funds to tackle biodiversity loss, land degradation and other environmental challenges?

We’ve partnered with the Government of Luxembourg to promote investments in sustainable land use through the Luxembourg–GLF Finance for Nature Platform.

In December 2022, join us at the 6th GLF Investment Case Symposium to learn more: <a href=””> </a>

Visit the Luxembourg–GLF Finance for Nature Platform website for more insights on sustainable finance: <a href=””></a>

Opening remarks LIVE NOW

Forests and sustainable land use are valuable tools in the fight against climate change. While they have historically been underfunded, interest and investment are on the rise, particularly through carbon finance.

But carbon finance remains largely focused on forests, while other land use sectors, such as agroforestry, still struggle to attract financing. In this panel discussion, we will explore the prospects for carbon markets in these sectors, opportunities for local carbon markets in the Global South, and how to transform corporate net-zero commitments into new sources of financing.

Announcement of a seminar series on carbon finance LIVE NOW

Learn more about carbon finance for nature-based solutions by joining our new Carbon Finance Learning Program, a series of online seminars hosted by the Landscape Academy.

Apply by 22 April.


Private companies are making record investments in sustainable projects. But how do we know if an investment is truly sustainable? Policymakers in the EU, China, Southeast Asia and elsewhere are developing taxonomies to distinguish between sustainable and unsustainable activities.

In this session, we discuss the next steps for the EU’s green taxonomy, the opportunities and challenges of creating taxonomy and disclosure regulations, and the potential of other mechanisms to ensure sustainable supply chains and more investments in nature-based solutions.

Closing remarks LIVE NOW

Investors are starting to pour money into climate solutions, but where are the funds to tackle biodiversity loss, land degradation and other environmental challenges?

We’ve partnered with the Government of Luxembourg to promote investments in sustainable land use through the Luxembourg–GLF Finance for Nature Platform.

In December 2022, join us at the 6th GLF Investment Case Symposium to learn more: <a href=””> </a>

Visit the Luxembourg–GLF Finance for Nature Platform website for more insights on sustainable finance: <a href=””></a>



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Opening welcome


Panel discussion 1: Carbon finance for Nature-based Solutions – How can recent developments in carbon markets make a difference for sustainable land use?

Forests and sustainable land use are valuable tools in the fight against climate change. While they have historically been underfunded, interest and investment are on the rise, particularly through carbon finance.

But carbon finance remains largely focused on forests, while other land use sectors, such as agroforestry, still struggle to attract financing. In this panel discussion, we will explore the prospects for carbon markets in these sectors, opportunities for local carbon markets in the Global South, and how to transform corporate net-zero commitments into new sources of financing.




Panel discussion 2: Sustainable finance taxonomy for Nature-based Solutions – What should we expect from new and upcoming finance regulations for sustainable land use?

Private companies are making record investments in sustainable projects. But how do we know if an investment is truly sustainable and not mere greenwash? Policymakers in the EU, China, Southeast Asia and elsewhere are developing taxonomies to distinguish between sustainable and unsustainable activities.

In this session, we discuss the next steps for the EU’s green taxonomy, the opportunities and challenges of creating taxonomy and disclosure regulations, and the potential of other mechanisms to ensure sustainable supply chains and prevent greenwashing.


Announcement of a learning track on carbon finance


Closing remarks

Related resources


What is sustainable finance?


Explore global sustainable finance initiatives


Ludwig Liagre

GLF Sustainable Finance Lead




Philip Tameh

GLF Sustainable Finance Advisor



Elena Matviichuk

GLF Communications Project Coordinator
