Partner Event

Strengthening Sustainable Palm Oil For Community Welfare And Climate Crisis Mitigation

11 January 2024
08:30 - 15:00 Asia/Jakarta
Hybrid, Jakarta


Through research entitled Scaling Jurisdictional Approaches in the Indonesian Palm Oil Sector, CIFOR-ICRAF and partners aim to increase the readiness of four palm oil producing regions to implement jurisdictional programmes (JPs) through a participatory, multistakeholder and gender-inclusive approach, and synthesize lessons learned from regency-level studies to strengthen sustainable palm oil initiatives at the national level.

Research activities began by implementing co-design workshops in four regencies: Sintang, Pelalawan, Pulang Pisau and Kutai Kartanegara. At the national level, CIFOR-ICRAF and partners organized the first and second National Workshops and Global Landscape Forum Dialogues in Bogor on 12 October and 23 November 2023, respectively. The aims of the first workshop were to disseminate the results of CIFOR-ICRAF and partners’ regency-level studies, and identify important issues, solutions and actors for jurisdictional approach initiatives for the Indonesian palm oil sector. The second workshop produced a draft national-level Theory of Change (ToC) and the SIPOS (Simulation of Indonesian Palm Oil Sustainability) model. Other output included supply chain analyses of the four regencies where research was carried out to be used as input for processes at the national level.

This workshop will be a forum for national actors to disseminate and discuss relevant issues, and produce recommendations that can contribute to strengthening relationships between JPs and international market demand, advertising-based certification initiatives and national and regional policies.


  1. Disseminate CIFOR-ICRAF and partners’ progress and research results on jurisdictional approaches to sustainable palm oil in Indonesia;
  2. Disseminate and share experiences, progress and lessons learned from jurisdictional approach initiatives in Indonesia, especially at the national level;
  3. Disseminate and secure input for a draft TTM – Theory of Change, Theory of Action and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework – which includes issues, solutions, actors, actions, and monitoring indicators needed to strengthen and contribute to sustainable palm oil initiatives at the national level.

In-person participation is by invitation only, for online participation, please register here.

Contact person: Salwa Nadhira,

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