Yoly Gutierrez

Communications Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean


Yoly Gutiérrez is a Communications Specialist with CIFOR-ICRAF’s Communications, Outreach, and Engagement Unit, where she serves on the management team as Communications Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean. With over 10 years of experience in communications for sustainable development, Yoly specializes in forestry, climate, land tenure, and gender and social inclusion. She has coordinated communications strategies for CIFOR’s global comparative studies on forest tenure reforms, and on REDD+, covered major international conferences on climate change, biodiversity, and restoration across the Americas and co-authored publications on Indigenous land tenure in Peru (CIFOR-FAO-IFAD), overcoming gender barriers in the Amazon (CIFOR, World Bank, GEF), and the media engagement chapter of the 2024 IUFRO manual “Communicating Forestry Science.”