Veronica Agodoa Kitti

Chief Executive Officer
Alternative Sets of Assistance Initiative, Ghana


Veronica is a Fellow of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) UK and holds a Bachelor degree in Commerce (Honours) from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. She worked extensively in poverty reduction, women economic empowerment, agriculture and soil improvements, climate change mitigation and community developments. She is responsible for facilitation and Implementation of biochar research outcomes at the grassroots levels (2009 to date) to reduce deforestation, increase food production, reduce indoor and outdoor air pollution and mitigate climate change with fossil fuel substitution and carbon storage. Veronica was involved in coordinating project activities of Agricultural and Environmental Benefits of Biochar (BeBi) from 2009 to 2013 and BiocharPlus projects (2014 to January 2017) corporation projects of ACP Science and Technology. She built capacities of stakeholders on biochar systems in Ghana and was co-responsible for project communications for stakeholders both in Ghana and Africa. She adapted the Elsa biochar cook stoves for women use and train farmers in the use of biochar for soil amendment in Ghana. As a result of her tremendous work in integrated biochar, food and energy systems, Veronica has been selected by the biochar community to be a Member of the Steering Committee of the Africa Biochar Partnership for promoting biochar systems in Africa. She is currently implementing biochar systems for energy access, land reclamation, climate smart agriculture and socio economic development in Ghana.