Thais Linhares Juvenal

Team Leader Forest Governance and Economics
Food and Agriculture Organization


Brazilian, economist, Team Leader of the Forest Governance and Economics team in the Forestry Division at FAO. Thais career has a mix of experiences in finance, national policy-making and global environmental governance accumulated over more than 25 years. After a 15-year tenure at the Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), she served as Director of Climate Change of the Brazilian Ministry of Environment, Director of the Brazilian Forest Service, Executive Secretary of the Amazon Fund Technical Committee and Co-Chair of the REDD+ Partnership. She joined FAO in 2011, where she served as Deputy Head of the UN-REDD Programme Secretariat before moving to Rome to take her current position. In 2017, Thais led the efforts converging into the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) Joint Initiative “Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World” (SW4SW), which has since contributed to building capacities to the expansion of sustainable and legal wood markets and promoting sustainable wood products as drivers of sustainable growth, lower carbon footprint and minimal waste.