Stéphane Hallaire



Stéphane Hallaire created Reforest’Action 11 years ago to enable companies and citizens to take concrete action for forest and climate. Founder of the crowdplanting concept, Stéphane brings the voice of the forest to the leaders of major companies such as LVMH or BNP and to the media. He initiated the Global Forest Summit in March 2021 to strengthen the multi-stakeholders dialogue for forest protection and restoration. This virtual event gathered 40 high-level speakers (including Selwin Heart, Deputy UNSG for Climate Emergency and Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for the Environment) and 10 000 participants. Since the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is launched, Stéphane Hallaire wants to create a Generation of Reforestation Entrepreneurs in order to empower citizens around the world to create revenues by restoring their environment.