Sri Widiyantoro

Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)


Sri Widiyantoro is a professor of seismology at the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia, where he has spent his academic career since 1987. He has frequently conducted research and study visits at prestigious universities overseas, including MIT and ANU, where he finished his Ph.D. program, and research institutions (e.g. Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo University) to work with top scientists on collaborative research. His main research interest is in the field of seismology, particularly seismic tomographic imaging. His tomographic models have been published in various journals, including top journals like Science and Nature. Alongside his work on large-scale seismological problems, he has engaged actively in consultancy on oil, gas, and geothermal explorations related work in Indonesia, so that he can bring a very broad perspective to his science.

He has received recognition through many awards including the Doornbos Memorial Prize from the IUGG Committee on the Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior, the Habibie Award from the Habibie Center, the Science and Technology Award from the Indonesian Toray Science Foundation, and the Australian Alumni Award for Research and Innovation. He has been a Fellow of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences since 2011. He is currently Dean of Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, ITB, and was the President for the Indonesian Association of Geophysicists (2012-2014). Since 2015, he has been the Head of the Seismology Working Group of the National Center for Earthquake Study (PuSGeN).