Sorely Calixto 

Chief of Party of The Business Case
Rainforest Alliance


Director of the “The Business Case for Collective Landscape Action” initiative at the Rainforest Alliance financed by USAID. Master of Science in Management and Evaluation for the development of the University of Antwerp and Economist Engineer of the National University of Engineering. Part-time professor at the Universidad del Pacífico in the Public Innovation Specialization Program. She has worked in different public institutions such as the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in the promotion of territorial development in the Amazon, in the Sub-Directorate of Innovation and Technology Transfer of CONCYTEC in the implementation of tax incentives for companies and the General Directorate of Investment Public of the Ministry of Economy and Finance in the management of science and technology projects for aquaculture, agriculture, industry and research with multilateral banks. She also worked at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in managing the portfolio of GEF projects on agrobiodiversity and recovery of vulnerable ecosystems and the Sustainable Landscapes Program for the Amazon-Phase 2, as well as in other organizations such as Rikolto and Centrum.