Simon Rafanomezantsoaworks at WWF Madagascar Country Office as the Senior Officer on Terrestrial Biodiversity. He is the WWF Forest Practice focal point of WWF Madagascar, leading therefore the forest programme and related activities. He is member of the national FLR committee in Madagascar bringing the experience and expertise of his organization on various areas. He also works on protected areas (creation, management and evaluation) and has recently supported the Ministry for Environment, Ecology and Forest to develop a national Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT) for the protected areas system in Madagascar. He serves as the focal point for his office on wetlands (including mangroves) mainly in the context of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. For this, he supports landscape teams in managing and restoring mainly mangroves in western Madagascar brings up to the national level their lessons learned for improving policy and strategies.
Simon Rafanomezantsoa
Senior Officer on Terrestrial Biodiversity
WWF Madagascar Country Office
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