Sebastian Lesch

Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains, International Agricultural Policy, Agriculture, Innovation


Sebastian Lesch has been head of the Division, Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains; International Agricultural Policy; Agriculture; Innovation of the BMZ since mid-2018, which is responsible for a wide range of topics from agricultural trade and global agricultural supply chains such as soya, palm oil, cocoa or coffee, for the Common European Agricultural Policy to concrete innovation in our project work with a wide range of partners worldwide. The unit includes the flagship project of the “Green Innovation Centres” and international agricultural research and agrobiodiversity. Before this, Mr. Lesch was Head of the German-Egyptian Development Cooperation in Cairo for four years; from 2010 to 2014, he was Press Officer of the BMZ and, before that, Country Director for Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus. He studied contemporary history, international politics and international law.