Roch Germain Mpassi-Moumpassi

Director-General of Sustainable Development
Ministry of Tourism and Environment, Republic of the Congo


Germain Roch Mpassi Moumpassi is the director-general of sustainable development at the Ministry of Tourism and Environment in the Republic of Congo. He joined the Directorate-General of Sustainable Development (DGDD) when it was created in 2010 and has held his current position since 2018.
The DGDD was conceived at the Head of State’s initiative to reconcile economic development with environmental preservation and the well-being of the people. It is within this context that the Republic of Congo developed its national strategy on sustainable development under the guidance of the DGDD.
As director-general of the DGDD, Germain Roch deals with issues relating to the fight against climate change and land degradation, the conservation of biodiversity, and the development of policies to mitigate and adapt to climate change. He is also involved in efforts to preserve coastal and marine ecosystems and to manage wetlands. In addition, the DGDD is responsible for the management of the country’s peatlands and helped organize the third meeting of partners supporting the Global Peatlands Initiative in Brazzaville in March 2018.