Renata Koch Alvarenga

YIL alumna
Founder and director, Empodera Clima


Renata Koch Alvarenga is a young ecofeminist from the South of Brazil, currently living in Rio de Janeiro. She’s the Founder and Director of EmpoderaClima, an educational platform about gender equality and climate action, with content available in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French, of the nonprofit Care About Climate. Renata has been a climate and gender justice advocate for the past five years, having presented her work on sustainability in China, Germany, Bangladesh, Austria, and the United States. She was involved in education through Model United Nations for eight years, eventually serving as Secretary-General of the United Ambassadors MUN in New York City, which brought 500 youth to the UN to discuss the SDGs.

Renata is a graduate in International Relations and currently works as Political Analyst at the British Consulate-General in Rio de Janeiro, where she also serves as Chair of the Women’s Association Brazil of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the UK. Renata was Master of Ceremonies for GLF Bonn 2019, and is excited to be MC once again for the Youth Daily Show of GLF 2020!