Ramadhan Ally Kilewa

Research and Biosafety Officer
Tropical Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI)


Since his undergraduate studies, Mr. Kilewa has been working as research scientist  for the weed management section of the Plant protection Division at TPRI in Arusha . Currently, his responsibility is to conduct research on weed impact on crop production and biodiversity. He is also researching the use of  botanicals and biopesticides in controlling diseases and  insect pests such as Tuta absoluta, white flies and Fall armyworms in cereals, cotton  and vegetables.

Kilewa is a trainer on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to stakeholders in Tanzania. His clients include the agricultural service providers from regional,  district, wards and village levels.  He is also working with non-governmental organizations on environmental conservation, conservation agriculture and biodiversity in Tanzania’s Arusha, Manyara and Kagera regions.