Rahmina Paullete Oyugi

Founder, Young climate champion
Kisumu Environmental Champions, Wangari Maathai Foundation


Rahmina Paullete is a 16-year-old climate activist, environmentalist and wildlife conservationist from Kenya. She is the founder of Kisumu Environmental Champions, which is a green initiative made up of 120 kids, teenagers and youths that are doing environmental conservation through clean-ups, growing trees, promoting climate literacy to the community and supporting their campaign called #LetLakeVictoriaBreathAgain which is focusing on restoring the ecosystem of Lake Victoria. Moreover, she has an eco-business named RahminaPaulleteEcoProducts, which makes water hyacinth products. She is also a campaigner and the Focal Point of Food At Cop, an international campaign that advocates for plant-based meals to be served at climate conferences. This year, the campaign aims to promote indigenous vegetables at Cop27. Furthermore, she is a climate activist in Fridays For Future International and Fridays For Future MAPA and is a young climate champion at Wangari Maathai Foundation.