Mirjam Ros-Tonen


Mirjam Ros-Tonen is a human geographer with a PhD in Policy Sciences, working in transdiciplinary contexts. She is Associate Professor at the Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies of the University of Amsterdam and affiliated with the Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research and the Centre for Sustainable Development Studies at UvA. Her research interests include tropical forest governance, landscape governance, integrated landscape approaches, urban-rural linkages, and knowledge co-creation for sustainable landscapes. She coordinates the ‘Inclusive Value Chain Collaboration’ project funded under WOTRO’s Global Challenge Programme that is being carried out in Ghana and South Africa, and the “Putting heads together” project on knowledge co-creation for food security, and is Dutch co-applicant of the Treefarms project carried out with the Forestry Commission and University of Energy and Natural Resources in Ghana, which explores the potential for food and income security of introducing shade-tolerant species in reforestation schemes. She supervises several PhD students who work in Ghana, Burkina Faso, Kenya, South Africa, and Indonesia, with completed trajectories also including Brazil, Honduras and Cameroon. Mirjam is Associated Editor with Environmental Management (Springer).