Mi Hyun Seol is a seconded scientist from the NIFos, the Korea Forest Service, and an experienced specialist in forest policies, international trades, and climate change issues. She joined CIFOR’s CCE team to conduct peatland restoration studies currently ongoing. She has been working as the Korean government specialist in the fields of REDD+ safeguards and social matters, forest certification, timber legality, and international trades and marketing since 2011. She worked as a FSC auditor and a Korean expert of the Rainforest Alliance, between 2008 and 2013, and has experience in forest fields and manufacturing sites in Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, China, the United States and the Republic of Korea. Ms. Seol uses her expertise to legislate the national timber legality system, and attend UNFCCC, UNCCD, and UNFF as delegates of the Republic of Korea. Her research interest is related to social aspects of carbon projects as well as governance in REDD+ projects in peatland. Mi Hyun obtained her PhD in forest products marketing from the University of Washington, Seattle, US, and her master’s and bachelor’s in forest policy and economics from the Seoul National University, Seoul, the Republic of Korea.

Mi Hyun Seol
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