Mariem Dkhil

Director of Sustainable Financing
Credit Agricole of Morocco


Mariem Dkhil is in charge of the design of innovative financing products to promote sustainable development projects, and of setting up an environmental and social management system. She joined Crédit Agricole du Maroc in 2006, where she has held several positions related to her chosen field, sustainable rural development. She contributed to the creation of GCAM’s subsidiary Tamwil El Fellah, a financing company for smallholders excluded from traditional bank financing. She graduated from the Paris-Grignon Institut National Agronomique and University of Montpellier, and was initially a consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on the issue of water management. For the record, Caisse Nationale de Crédit Agricole (CNCA), which was set up in 1961, became a classic bank in 2004. GCAM has 4,000 employees and a balance sheet of MAD 91.3bn (USD 9bn), a consolidated net income of MAD 542m, and MAD 71bn of credit to the economy, over half of which is earmarked for the agricultural, agribusiness and rural sectors.