Mariana Alejandra Solórzano Cruz

Zapoteca Activist


Mariana Alejandra Solórzano Cruz is an indigenous Zapotec woman from the community of San Pedro Comitancillo (Ndaniguia, in Zapotec), region of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mariana’s work has been to strengthen the integral culture of her community. She stands out for being a young woman active in strengthening different areas in her community, as well as in healing practices, such as flower baths. She has participated in different forums, congresses, lectures and scenarios; she stands out for her participation from her thoughts and her community experience. She carries out activities in defence of the Territory in her community. She held an honorary position as academic coordinator of the Ndaniguia Autonomous Community University Centre, studied journalism, and actively participated as a student in the degree course in integral community health. She promotes in different spaces collective work, the right and respect for women, men and children to an integral and healthy life.