Marc Daubrey is an Agro economist with 25 years’ experience in agro economy; sustainable development; sustainable agriculture; Climate change; REDD+; Clean Development Mechanisms and Low Emission Development Strategies. Marc earns an MSc degree in Agricultural Economics and a DESS in International Economics. He has also been involved for many years in managing projects in West Africa, ie Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, related to sustainable agriculture, good agricultural, environmental and social practices as well stakeholder outreach. His current focus with NGO Impactum in West Africa, mainly in Côte d’Ivoire but also in Ghana is on landscape zero deforestation cocoa supply chain projects, Cocoa and Forest Initiative (CFI), NDCs (National Climate Change Strategies) implementation; REDD+ strategies; a scope study on private investments opportunities in REDD+; a study on REDD+ public finance landscape; a study on REDD+ National Investment Framework and a public private pilot project on PES- Payment for Environmental Services in the Nawa region in Côte d’Ivoire. Marc is also currently involved in the implementation of UTZ / RA sector partnership project in Cavally region in Côte d’Ivoire focusing on sustainable landscape planning and tree tenure within climate change and zero deforestation subsector.

Marc Daubrey
Chief Executive Officer
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