Mandy Bayha

Sahtúgot’ine mother


Mandy Bayha is a Sahtúgot’ine (person of Great Bear Lake). Her family name is Bęyá Táhtį: a family known by their people as Saoyúégot’įnę (people of Grizzly Bear Mountain – one of the great Peninsulas of Great Bear Lake). In the Dene worldview “…we are the Land and the Land is us”. Her most important role is Enne (mother). She has two beautiful boys who teach her everyday about the importance of the transmission of Traditional Knowledge, the connection to Mother Earth, and the dire need to decolonize as indigenous peoples. This has led her to engage in other roles within her community, region, and territory. Mandy is currently the Director, Ɂedenets’erıd̨ ı ́Dahk’ǝ́ (Department for Language, Culture, & Spirituality). She believes that a deep understanding of traditional knowledge is crucial for the transmission of knowledge to the next generation and the generations to come, it is also the basis for a solid foundation of their Self- Government, and critical to the Sahtúgot’ın̨ ę’s efforts in the preservation, protection, and conservation of all traditional Lands and environment (Water, Animals, Vegetation, etc.), including Great Bear Lake and its entire watershed area.