Maimuna Jawara

GLFx Banjul

Maimuna Jawara is the founder of GIO Impact lab which also operates as a community-driven lab. It aims to restructure traditional economic practices, address the inclusion gap for smallholder farmers putting women and youth at the forefront to access affordable, accessible demand-driven financial products and sustainable land management that will drive productivity and secure household income. A healthy planet is what drives her passion in restoration. She demonstrates that power by leading restoration activities in communities to rehabilitate lost forest and wetland areas. This highlights her strong commitment to the cause of Generation Restoration which has granted her the opportunity to collaborate, working towards mending what is broken in our system and strengthen our interactions with nature. This granted her the opportunity to work as coordinator of the GLFx Banjul chapter. Her education background is in Finance and Education with a specialization in sustainability. She sees herself as a social entrepreneur, spends her spare time building conscious business models, and her leisure time is always spent cooking and formulating recipes from locally sourced ingredients.