Luisa Volpe

Head of Policy Development
World Farmers’ Organization


Ms Luisa Volpe is currently working as Head of Policy Department at the World Farmers’ Organisation, WFO, a member-based organization composed of national farmers’ organizations and cooperatives, whose International Secretariat is based in Rome. Ms Volpe area of work is focused on global policy processes on Climate Change, 2030 Agenda, Food Security and Nutrition, Research and Innovation in Agriculture and Trade. Previously, Ms Volpe had spent most of her professional career at the International Fund for Agricultural Development, IFAD, working on projects and policies targeting indigenous peoples and farmers. In 2012, Luisa Volpe joined the Office of Partnership and Resource Mobilization of IFAD, working on Public Partnership. Ms Volpe also worked at the World Health Organization, WHO, European Office in Rome and in the private sector at the Gruppo Thriumph, a communication agency specialized in events organization, in Rome.

Ms Luisa Volpe graduated in Political Sciences at La Sapienza University in Rome, in 2003. In 2006, she obtained a master in Communications at Cogno e Associati management school of Rome. Moreover, Ms Volpe is an expert in Neuro Linguistic Programming at master level and interpersonal communication.