Lizzy Igbine

National President
NIWAAFA, Nigeria


Lizzy Igbine, Member of many Boards Lizzy started her career as a field officer with the Lagos State Agriculture Development Agency. Over the years she rose to hold several leadership and management positions in agricultural sector advocacy and women empowerment. Currently, she holds the following positions: National President Nigerian Women Agro Farmers Association (NIWAAFA), National Coordinator/Convener Water Consumer’s Forum Nigeria (WACOF), and Gender/CSO Representative, Presidential Committee on Water. From 2010 to 2014, she has been involved in the following national assignments: Member, Nigerian Vision 2020 20 National Technical Working Group from April to September 2009; Expert on Agriculture and Water Resources Management; Member, Ministerial Committee on River Basin Development Study Group in Nigeria; Member, Technical Committee on National Strategy Programs for Adaptation of Climate Change (NASPAC); 7 | P a g e Member, National Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan; Member, Nigerian Joint Sector Review in Agriculture; and Member, UN/FAO Biosafety Regulation Review Conference. She is a practicing farmer and a Nutrition expert who believes strongly in women empowerment through agriculture. Member Governing Council NUHCAN (Nigerian UHC Actions Network. She is a graduate of Business Administration and holds an Associate Member ABE from the University of London. She holds certificates on Immunization and Community health.