Kevin Green

Senior Director at Center for Behavior & the Environment, Rare


As lead of Rare’s Center for Behavior & the Environment, Kevin works closely with Rare’s leadership, staff and partners to integrate state-of-the-art science about human motivation and decision-making into the execution of conservation programs worldwide. He has trained practitioners across the U.S., Latin America and Asia in qualitative and quantitative social research methods and behavior-centered design of conservation campaigns whose success hinges on communities adopting new, sustainable norms and behaviors.

Kevin is a faculty member of the Kinship Conservation Fellows program and a Senior Fellow of the Environmental Leadership Program. Prior to joining Rare, he held fellowships with the Nature Conservancy and Worldwatch Institute, and taught at a small university in rural Cambodia. He holds an M.A. in Economics and International Development from Johns Hopkins University and a B.A. in Anthropology and Sociology from Washington and Lee University.