Kate Chibwana

National Multi Stakeholder Platform on land governance in Malawi (NES MALAWI)


She is currently facilitating the National Land Coalitions on land governance in Malawi (NES MALAWI). Kate was professionally trained as an Agricultural Economist but fell in love with the land and natural resource activism during a 2-months internship in college. Since graduating from college in 2016, she has worked with various donors such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Oxfam and the ILC in promoting people-centered land governance, especially within the context of multi-stakeholder engagement. She has also had the privilege of training with the University of Western Cape and PLAAS under the Network of Excellence in Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) on the Political Economy of Land Governance in Africa in 2018; and she is currently participating in a fellowship program with the Land Academy (LANDac) under the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands on Responsible Large Scale Land Based Investments. Her training and experience are channeled towards her passion for affording women and youth equal opportunities to own, access and control productive natural resources such as land for their social, economic, and political empowerment.