Justin Mundy

Senior Fellow
World Resources Institute Europe


Justin Mundy is a Senior Fellow and Special Envoy for WRI’s Conflict & Natural Resources, and Sustainable Ocean Initiatives. He has thirty years’ international experience of working on development, climate change, environment and energy issues and have done so at senior levels within the public, multilateral and private sectors.

Prior to joining WRI, Justin was HRH the Prince of Wales’ Special Representative, the Director of the Prince’s Charities’ International Sustainability Unit (ISU), and Funding Partner of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Partners. He has been advising the British Government as an expert on Russia, India, China, climate change and energy issues, and was the principal architect of the 2005 G8 Energy Investment Framework. He also worked for the World Bank, WWF, IUCN, IIED and was the Director of the Foundation for International Security.