Josphat Mwamba Mtwana

Project Coordinator
Mikoko Pamoja Community-Based Organization


Josphat Mtwana is the project coordinator of Mikoko Pamoja, the world’s first community-led blue carbon initiative. He pursued a BSc in Geography and Natural resources Management with IT and Joined KMFRI’s mangroves program where he has been involved in mangroves conservation, field campaigns, mobilizing communities in mangrove reforestation and reporting. Due to his enthusiasm and outstanding performance, he was nominated as the project coordinator. He isthe community liaison officer managing Mikoko Pamoja and overseeing implementation of the project’s annual work plans. Josphat has led a transformative work in capacity building, rehabilitation, conservation, and sustainable utilization of mangrove resources in Gazi Bay area. Results of these have increased community income via sale of carbon credits which has supported community development projects in water and sanitation, education and environment conservation.