An agricultural engineer, with a Master degree on Natural Resources Management – Watershed Management. She has been working in the Mesoamerican Region for more than fifteen years in environmental and agricultural projects that promote sustainable and equitable human development, as well as including social and gender issues on public policy development with organization such as CARE, UICN-The International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Wetland International and CATIE- Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center. She has also provided technical assistance to regional organizations, local and national governments, Ministries of environment and agriculture, women and indigenous organization in areas such as watershed management, community participation, organic agriculture, gender and social issues. She has been the gender specialist for CATIE´s Mesoamerican Agricultural and Environmental Program. She is a professor at the National University of Costa Rica and has been a project officer and coordinator of development initiatives in Central America. She is now a senior gender programme manager for the Governance and Rights Programme at IUCN also working in mainstreaming gender and women rights into initiatives related to agriculture, biodiversity, REDD+, forest landscape restoration, energy, fisheries and Climate Change at Latin American Region, Laos, Uganda, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Burundi, and Cameron. She has several publications on gender and environment and had developed technical skills to train people on the use methodologies that promote gender equity and women’s empowerment.
Jackelline Siles
Senior Gender Program Manager
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
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