George Schoneveld

Senior Scientist


George Christoffel Schoneveld has a Master’s degree in Business Economics (2004) from the University of Maastricht, a Master’s degree in International Development Studies (2008) from University of Utrecht, and PhD on African Investment Governance (2013) from the same University. George is Senior Scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research, with whom he has been employed since 2008 following three years in investment banking in the Netherlands and one year as a social scientist in India. He has led several large research projects in Africa (Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Ethiopia) and in Latin America and South and Southeast Asia, funded by amongst other GIZ, EC, DfID and USAID. These have largely focused on the social, economic, and environmental impacts and governance of private agricultural and forestry investment models. He is widely published on this topic in leading academic journals such as Global Environmental Change, World Development, Food Policy, Land Use Policy, Ecology & Society, Development Policy Review, Forests and GeoForum. He is currently the coordinator of the CGIAR Forest, Trees, and Agroforesty (FTA) research program’s cluster on Inclusive Business and Finance. George is specialized in amongst others business strategy, value chain development, political economy, investment goverance and rural development, with emphasis on the interface with inclusive business development in Sub-Saharan Africa. He is well versed in a wide range of research methods, which include remote sensing analysis, econometrics, cost-benefit analysis, political economy analysis, participatory scenario modeling, value chain analysis, and (social) network analysis.