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Fredrick Mugira

Water Journalists Africa

Ugandan Fredrick Mugira is an award-winning water and climate change journalist, media trainer and development communication specialist with over 10 years of wide-ranging experience. He is currently the CEO for Water Journalists Africa, a non-profit media group that brings together over 700 journalists in 50 African countries to report on water-related issues. He is also co-founder of InfoNile, a GeoJournalism platform that maps data on water issues in the Nile River basin and overlays them with journalism stories to promote transboundary peace. In addition, Fredrick works as an editor with Uganda’s leading multimedia house—Vision Group.

A National Geographic Storytelling explorer, and a Pulitzer Center Grantee, Fredrick has reported from various countries in Africa, Europe and Asia and the United States. Among his accolades are the prestigious CNN/Multichoice African Journalist award and the UN Development Journalism Award. He was also awarded the 2018 and 2015 Climate Change Media Partnership (CCMP) fellowships from EJN. Water Journalists Africa is currently working with EJN’s East Africa Wildlife and Conservation project to train journalists around the region.