Frans Teguh

Director of Strategic Management
Ministry of Tourism, Indonesia


Frans Teguh is currently serving as Director of Strategic Management at the Ministry of Tourism. He received his first degree in Tourism Management from Bandung Institute of Tourism and accomplished Master of Arts in Tourism and Hospitality Management at Bournemouth University, UK; His PhD was obtained from the Tourism Sudies at Gadjah Mada, Jogyakarta. He is a Lecturer at the Post Graduate in Tourism, UGM.

Dr Frans Teguh has attended training in tourism : tourism methodology, ILO, Turin 1991; Tourism Management di University of Waterloo, Kanada (1994); Tourism Competency Standards, Melbourne, Australia (2001); Tourism Management, China (2009); Ecotourism Management, Thailand and Sweden (2009); DMO Management Training (2011).

He is also in charge as focal point for Sustainable Tourism Practices – GIZ 2015-2017; Country Coordinator ASTA 2017; National Representative GSTC 2016-2018; National Coordinator Tourism Project DMO in corporation with Swisterland Government (SECO) and Indonesia 2014-2017; Expert Team of Indonesian Tourism Industry Association (2019-2024); Program Coordinator DMO/DG 2010-2016; Conducting Sustainable Tourism Program on ST Destination, ST Observatories ST Certification, Green Tourism, dan Low Carbon Destination, 2010- now.

Currently he also chairman of Center of Integrated Sustainable Management Studies in Tourism, Environment and Social Development – CISTES; and Chairman of Volunteer Tourism Network( Vt-net)

His works are related to destination management, destination governance, tourism ecosystem, sustainable tourism programme, tourism strategic management .

He has published books in Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism, Destination Governance Building Tourism Ecotourism.