Francisco César Razzolini

Head of Sustainability


Francisco is the CTO and Pulp Business executive director of Klabin. He built his professional career at Klabin, where he joined in 1985. During this period, he gained experience in the areas of pulp, paper and packaging production and projects management and on innovation.

In 2006, he conducted an important project for the company, the MA 1100, which doubled the capacity of Klabin, ay the Monte Alegre Unit, in Telemaco Borba (PR), to produce cardboard. Two years later, he became Director of Projects, Industrial Technology and Supplies.

Between 2013 and 2016, he was once again at the forefront of one of the company’s main projects: the construction of the Puma Unit, one of the most modern pulp mills in the world, designed to meet the industry’s best sustainability parameters. Currently, it is responsible for the Research and Development, Innovation, Sustainability, Projects, Automation Technology and Pulp business unit, including industrial and commercial activities.

He has a Master in Paper Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain) and a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná.