Faruk Chafim Tavares

Forest specialist
National Sustainable Development Fund, Mozambique


Faruk Chafim Tavares is a forest specialist in Mozambique’s National Sustainable Development Fund, under the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER). Having joined in 2018, he is currently based in Mocuba, a city located in Zambezia province in Northern Mozambique. From Mocuba, Faruk coordinates the forest component of the Zambezia Integrated Landscape Management Program, a program aimed at improving the practices of forest and land management across nine districts in the province, with emphasis on sustainable small and medium-scale plantation development. Prior to joining the National Sustainable Development Fund, Faruk worked in the Mozambique Leaf Tobacco company, leading the company’s national forest plan implementation in Norther Mozambique (Niassa). He has also worked on REDD+-related issues and approaches to forest inventory. Faruk holds a Bachelor’s degree from Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambqiue).