Fardous Mohammad Safiul Azam

Country Representative
YPARD Bangladesh


At present, Fardous Mohammad Safiul Azam has just completed his PhD studies from at Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS). Since 2008, he is engaged as Assistant Professor at the University of Development Alternative, Dhaka, Bangladesh and working with youth empowerment with several youth groups. His major research is maize functional genomics for folate metabolism and bio-fortification of folic acid (Vitamin B9). Throughout his academic career, extensive attachment along with student groups and collaborators both in Bangladesh and abroad made an in-depth accruing of knowledge and practical experiences on diversity of indigenous and traditional food plants and their nutrition, conservation of rare medicinal plants, agricultural biotechnology, climate change and crop production, environmental bioremediation. His immense interest and fascination in research on sustainable agriculture has resulted more than 20 publications, blog-posts till now in international peer-reviewed journals as well as participation in several relevant conferences and workshops.

Mr. Azam is the Bangladesh Representative of YPARD (Young Professionals for Agricultural Development) since 2013 which is a global youth volunteered networking movement and also enjoying the journey as Liaison and Partnership Officer at YPARD Asia and Pacific. In this regards, he and his team is working on creating networking platform among youths in Bangladesh and developing new channels for partnership to create opportunities for young professional, empowerment the leadership skills. Interesting programs he is involve in developing nutrition awareness among youths and schools, promoting Homegarding and school gardening, advocacy in climate change, food safety. In addition to this, working with British Council as International Climate Champion 2010 has played the influential role to address climate change in sustainable agricultural in Bangladesh.