Erick Fernandes

Agriculture, Natural Resource Management, and Climate Change
The World Bank


Eric Fernandes provides leadership and direction for the World Bank’s analytical economic and sector work to support investment operations aimed at integrated management of land and water resources for increasing agricultural productivity and ensuring food security; climate-smart and resilient agriculture via the harnessing of adaptation and mitigation; and improved livelihoods and reduced vulnerability of the rural poor via income diversification in traditional commodity and emerging ecosystem service markets.

He has been co-Leader of the World bank’s Global Expert Team on Climate Change Adaptation, synthesizing the state of climate change science and helping guide governments in developing programs to assess their vulnerability to climate change and to enhance resilience to climate change in agriculture and forestry sectors. Some of his key output include the report “Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4oC World Must be Avoided” in collaboration with the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research. From 2010 to 2014, ha was Regional Coordinator of the Latin America region in the Forest Investment Program.