Janet Kabeberi Macharia

Head of the Gender and Social Safeguards Unit
UN Environment


Dr. Macharia’s career spans 30 years in academia, nongovernmental organizations and international development organizations with a primary focus on the promotion of gender equality,women’s empowerment and children’s rights. Apart from being the Head of the Gender and Social Safeguards Unit and is the Senior Gender Adviser in UN Environment.

For the past 20 years Dr. Machariahas held national, regional and global positions for threeagencies within the UN: the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and UN Environment.  At UN Environment, she coordinates a dynamic team of five and a global network of over 70 gender focal points spread throughout the organization. This team focuses on systematicintegration of gender in UN Environment’s Programme of Work, beside strengthening institutional recognition of operational responsibilities and greater accountability for gender work by management and staff.

Janet holds a PhD in Law from the University of Warwick, a Master of Laws from Columbia University, a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Nairobi and a Diploma in Women’s Law.She has extensively published books and articles in referred journals in various areas with a particular focus on gender issues, children’s rights, women’s human rights, law and development, and, environmental law.