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Disikalala Gaseitsiwe

Deputy Executive Secretary
Gaborone Declaration For Sustainability in Africa Secretariat

Disikalala is an economist and development planner. He holds an MSc in Development Planning from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland. He spent nearly 29 and half years working as an economist and development planner at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) in Botswana where he rose through the ranks finally assuming the position of Deputy Permanent Secretary, Socio-economic policy in 2008. During his time at MFDP, Disikalala was actively engaged in policy and strategy development work, progamme and project development, coordination, and management. He has also done extensive donor/aid coordination work, working with a wide array of development institutions, including IBRD, EU, UNDP and USAID.  He joined the GDSA Secretariat in April 2016 as Deputy Executive Secretary.