David Alvarez

Executive Director
Ecoacsa Reserva de Biodiversidad


David is Chief Executive Officer of Ecoacsa Reserva de Biodiversidad. Ecoacsa is a Company which develops its activity around natural capital issues, environmental markets, biodiversity integration in management and Natural Capital Accounting. As CEO of Ecoacsa he is involved in many international panels, most notably its participation as an expert in UN-STATS (SEEA framework), UNEP-WCMC, FAO or as Full Member and Business Leader of EU Platform Business @ Biodiversity Advisory Committee, run by the European Commission.
He as also taken part as an expert for the development of the so called “taxonomy” for green finance in the Action Plan for Sustainable Finance (European Commission)
David promotes innovative projects for the aim to develop new environmental markets, integrate natural capital in organizations or foster the valuation of ecosystem services.
He is also leading the Natural Capital Factory the Regional Natural Capital Platform for Spain, the Natural Capital Summit in Spain and now the European office of the Instituto LIFE.
David Álvarez is also H2020 evaluator for ecosystem services and forest value added projects