Conny Czymoch

Independent international moderator and journalist


A former anchorwoman for Phoenix tv, Germany, she has been engaged in conference moderation for the EU, diverse German ministries, international organisations and corporations as well as NGOs for more than two decades. At the core of her competence are topics such as climate change, sustainability, mobility and resource efficiency. She moderated a number of high level meetings during the German presidencies of the G7 and the G20, as well as during COP23 in Bonn. Amongst her regular customers are several Ministries of the German Federal Government, such as the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ. She is one of the main moderators at the Berlin Global Solutions Summit (a T20-Initiative). In 2019, amongst others, she moderated the Global Goals Conference of the German Global Compact Network. Her journalistic career started with the local newspaper, NRZ, to take her to radio and television – at WDR, DLF, Deutsche Welle Radio and TV, SAT1, with some early international experience in Hong Kong at RTHK. She moderated political news and current affairs programmes at Phoenix for 14 years.