Celine Kun

Mapuche People


Céline Kun has worked on a global scale with indigenous peoples. As a Mapuche-Pewenche herself, she is committed to the well-being of indigenous communities around the world. Through her work, she is always celebrating the spirit of indigenous peoples, and honoring their cultural beliefs and practices.
She has studied Political Sciences, International Relations and Conflict Studies in the Netherlands with a focus on Latin America and indigenous peoples. During her work and private life, she has become aware that climate change impacts the indigenous communities more significantly than others at a global scale. In addition, solutions without Including the voices of the most marginalized are unlikely to be fair, or sustainable. Céline has years of experience in the non-profit field, is a TEDx speaker, moderator and advisor of different NGOs with a focus on indigenous communities.

In this talk, she enlights the audience of the negative side effect of the conflict on the representation and land rights of the Mapuches. She will provide a potential solution from a female perspective how to tackle a more inclusive view in order to support Mother Earth from a female indigenous perspective.