Carla Madueno

YIL Alumni Representative


Carla Madueño is a Peruvian ecologist, climate activist and biodiversity-for-business enthusiast who is currently working as a sustainability consultant in Munich, Germany. For the last eight years she has studied and travelled between Europe and Peru, following her passion for biodiversity protection, climate action and ecological research, after completing studies at the LMU University of Munich and the University of Bayreuth, Germany. As Global Landscapes Forum Youth Ambassador in 2018 and as International Forestry Students Association (IFSA) delegate to high-level conferences between Rome and Bonn, she discovered the power of her own voice to stand for nature protection and make calls for action. Since then – and within the Youth in Landscapes (YIL) initiative as an Alumni Representative – she advocates for youth as a key ally in decisionmaking processes, especially when it comes to protecting life on Earth.

She is currently an expert contributor and ambassador for Peruvian initiatives Jóvenes Peruanos frente al Cambio Climático (Peruvian Youth Against Climate Change) and ARBIO Peru, as well as a blog writer at You can find out more about her here: