Atle Solberg

Head of the Coordination Unit, Platform on Disaster Displacement


Atle Solberg is a political scientist from Norway and he is currently the Head of the Coordination Unit of the Platform on Disaster Displacement. He was the Head of the Nansen Initiative Secretariat, the predecessor to the Platform on Disaster Displacement, from 2012 to 2015. His background is primarily from international humanitarian work and from working in the context of displacement (in both conflict and natural hazard situations). He has worked for UNHCR and UN OCHA in Switzerland, the Balkans and in Central America, and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in the Balkans, Indonesia and Colombia. He has research and teaching experience from the University of Bergen (Norway) on humanitarian issues as well as on the protection of unaccompanied minors. He has undertaken evaluation of humanitarian aid and worked as a consultant both with focus on Norway as well as on post-conflict recovery situation in the Balkans and Central America.