Anne Rosenbarger

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil


Anne Rosenbarger is the Global Engagement Manager for Commodities and Finance at the World Resources Institute and is Co-Chair and representative of Environmental NGOs on the RSPO Board of Governors. Anne has been based with WRI in Indonesia since 2010, concentrating primarily on the links between agribusiness supply chains and forest conservation. Her primary focus is on engaging and convening stakeholders to identify, align on, and implement evidence-based tools and processes for addressing commodities-driven deforestation and conversion. She is currently working as part of the Global Forest Watch Pro and Forest Data Partnership initiatives. Anne also serves on various other RSPO groups such as the Standards Standing Committee, Biodiversity and High Conservation Value Working Group and No Deforestation Task Force. Prior to joining WRI, Anne conducted research on a range of topics related to tropical ecology and community-based forestry management. She received her Master’s degree from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University.