Anna Madalinska

Agrofloresta Mesoamericana; Securing Water for Food Technical Assistance Facility


Anna (Ania) Madalinska is an agricultural specialist with 7 years of international experience in research, start-up initiatives, consulting and program management. She is one of the co-founders of GAEA a platform which collaborates to grow the YIL movement. Along with a partner Anna launched and runs Agrofloresta Mesoamericana, a social enterprise in Southern Mexico which sets out to “make agroforestry the best option for farmers in Mesoamerica”. The project specializes in developing niche value chains for the diversity produced by agroforestry systems in order to increase their economic viability. Anna specializes in cacao, a key product of Agrofloresta, and amaranth, an ancient seed crop considered among the neglected species or orphan crops. Anna has been researching amaranth since 2013 in Bolivia and Mexico and serves on the board of the Amaranth Institute in the US. Anna also works with CNFA (Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture) managing agricultural projects around the world and has previously worked for ICARF/CCAFS doing research on Climate Smart Agriculture. Anna holds an MSc in Sustainable Agriculture from the University of Copenhagen and Montpelier SupAgro and a BA in International Studies from American University in Washington, DC.