Anita Diederichsen

Forest Landscape Restoration Global Lead


Anita is WWF’s Global Lead for Forest Landscape Restoration and the Coordinator of WWF’s Area of Collective Action and Innovation Community in WWF. Anita is the WWF’s Focal point and member of the Steering Committee of the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR); member of the IUFRO Task Force on Transforming Forest Landscapes for Future Climates and Human Well-Being; and Coordinator of the Initiative 20×20 Policy and Legislation Task Force.

Anita is a biologist and has a dual Master’s degree, one in Conservation and Rural Development with distinction at University of Kent, UK awarded with the Chevening Scholarship from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) UK, and the second on Environmental Science from the São Paulo State University. Anita is one of the leaders of the Conservation Coaches Network (CCNET) in Latin America promoting the use of the Conservation Standards.