Alka Bhargava

Additional Secretary
Ministry of Agricultural Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Government of India


Dr Alka Bhargava is Additional Secretary in the Department of Agricultural Cooperation and Farmers Welfare. Her primary responsibilities include overseeing the works associated with Natural Resource Management, International Cooperation, Integrated Nutrient Management and Rainfed Systems. She belongs to 1987 batch of Indian Forest Service from Assam-Meghalaya cadre. Her earlier assignments in Assam and with GOI have given her a wide perspective of community development through the tools of engagement in forest management, vocational education and skill development and now sustainable agriculture. Her cross sectoral experience comes handy in her current responsibilities spanning sustainable agriculture and farmers welfare, She was a Hubert Humphrey (Fulbright) Fellow at Michigan State University in 2013-14. She strongly believes that sustainable agriculture and conservation are the two sides of the same coin with a strong ripple effect on the lives of the people residing therein