Alexander Pohl

HSBC’s Client Network Banking


Alexander is a Director in HSBC’s Client Network Banking team which helps large customers solve supply
chain challenges using banking products and services. As part of this, HSBC has recently launched an
innovative financing solution which incentivises and supports the improvement of supplier sustainability
on a programmatic basis. In addition to this, he is also working with a number of customers on
developing financial products for Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture and Nature-based Solutions.
During his time with HSBC, Alexander has held a variety of other Sustainable Finance related role including project finance for large renewable energy projects ranging from biomass to solar, the development and deployment of a SME / MME cleantech proposition in Europe, arranging bank facilities for large sustainability funds and waste management businesses and arranging climate risk management and insurance solutions. Prior to HSBC, Alexander was a consultant with KPMG focused on Sustainability Risk
Management, Due Diligence, Audit and Advisory.

Outside of work, Alexander tries to make his own personal contribution to Sustainability where
possible. This includes making his own environmentally-friendly cleaning products, pursuing a passion
for fermentation, spending as much time as possible rewilding with his wife and two sons and practicing
the Wim Hof method.