Alasdair Macleod

Macdoch Group


Alasdair Macleod is Executive Chairman of the Macdoch Group, a private investment company with offices in London and Sydney. In Australia, the Macdoch Agricultural Group comprises operations in beef cattle, wool growing and cropping, as well as investments in new technology that enable more efficient use of natural resources (see more at <a href=”;!!Nyu6ZXf5!-9FG7Yyclj2HnYiO02fqRznLFCTz3ibfhjVSczR7_MDdCwqd4MTwXKWWh4vueQ$” target=”_blank”>here</a>). All Macdoch Ag companies advocate and adhere to regenerative farming principles. Alasdair is also Chairman of <a href=”;!!Nyu6ZXf5!-9FG7Yyclj2HnYiO02fqRznLFCTz3ibfhjVSczR7_MDdCwqd4MTwXKUgszPr8Q$” target=”_blank”>Soils for Life</a>, a not for profit focused on encouraging greater uptake of regenerative farming ideas.