Mobilizando a juventude para reivindicar justiça climática e social em nível global


En ligne


29–31 de agosto de 2023

Redes sociais:


Durante o mês de agosto de 2023, e em preparação para a Conferência Híbrida GLF Nairobi 2023, a Iniciativa Youth in Landscapes realizou uma série de diálogos regionais digitais sobre justiça climática, em parceria com os GLF Youth Project Teams (Equipes de Projetos para Juventude do GLF), o Global Landscapes Forum (Fórum Global de Paisagens) e seus parceiros regionais. Cada um dos três diálogos reuniu, respectivamente, jovens especialistas da América Latina e do Caribe (ALC), da África e da Ásia e o Pacífico para inspirar, promover a colaboração e impulsionar ações ecológicas transformadoras a partir de uma perspectiva regional.

Esses dinâmicos diálogos foram norteados pela troca de conhecimentos e fundamentados em abordagens enraizadas na busca pela justiça, oferecendo a participantes uma plataforma para que discutirem ideias, compartilharem experiências e sonhos e proporem soluções soberanas capazes de moldar nossas paisagens e territórios.

Assista abaixo aos destaques de cada diálogo!

Como se registrar

Registre-se agora para os diálogos regionais digitais e participe de uma comunidade de jovens líderes que estão moldando o destino de nossas paisagens, nossas comunidades e nosso planeta. Se estiver interessado em participar de um ou mais diálogos, consulte as informações abaixo sobre os diferentes temas e o formulário de inscrição. Note que alguns dos diálogos terão tradução simultânea. 

Se tiver alguma dúvida, por favor entre em contato com Pê Magalhães pelo e-mail p.mourao@cifor-icraf.org.

The Program

The two-day GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference will gather students and young professionals from all over the world. Playing key roles as speakers, volunteers, moderators and MCs,  youth will not only participate in the conference but will contribute to shaping the outcomes that emerge. 

The two-day conference will be, for some, the last stop of a digital journey – and for others, the first destination: participants in the online course “Biodiversity: a Digital Journey” will use the knowledge and skills earned during the program to contribute to the conference conversations, while delegations from more than 15 youth organizations will embark on a new path with us – co-creating a biodiversity policy brief. 

Conference attendees will also be able to start or finish their days with regionally focused Youth Daily Shows, which will explore biodiversity-related topics through the eyes of young speakers.



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Facilitated networking sessions will connect you with people across the globe. Meet a new person every five minutes! The networking moderator will provide you with the information you can use to develop your questions, in order to make the most of your networking time.

Weekly interactive meetings

As part of the program, four weekly interactive sessions  will take place prior to the digital conference, each at around 14:00 CEST. 

During the sessions, participants will have the chance to share knowledge, expertise, and ideas. Through digital collaboration with peers; networking sessions; inspiring talks; and skills-based training sessions, participants will go on a journey of discovery about biocultural diversity in landscapes, climate action, biodiversity and finance, and nature-based solutions.

Participants who join at least three of the four interactive sessions will receive a free certificate of course completion, and free access to the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference.



18 September
Welcome on board!
Our journey is finally beginning! During the first meeting, we will have a chance to get to know each other – and share our expectations for the learning journey – through facilitated networking activities. We will also provide a short introduction to the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), Youth in Landscapes (YIL), and the Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (CDI), as well as to the overall program.
22 September
Biocultural diversity in landscapes

Biological and cultural diversity are key features of all of our landscapes. Biodiversity contributes to our lives not only in practical, physical and functional ways, but also in cultural and spiritual ones. In this interactive meeting, we will explore some of the diversity in perspectives on, and relationships with, nature. We will consider the interlinkages between biological and cultural diversity within a professional context, and will also explore personal understandings and experiences of living in harmony with nature.

Tania Eulalia Martinez Cruz, Alisa Rai
29 September
Climate action in biodiverse landscapes

The second meeting is led by the Wageningen Centre for Development and Innovation (WCDI), as an introduction to the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The session will focus on climate change, climate action and biodiverse landscapes, and it will address the impact that climate change has on biodiversity, as well as the important role that biodiversity can play in tackling the climate crises.

6 October
Payments for ecosystem services (PES)

What does the world of money, investments and profit have to do with the world of bees, dolphins and mangroves? During the third meeting, we will consolidate and develop our learnings from the climate and finance MOOC module, by building a deeper understanding of the relationship between biodiversity and finance, and focusing specifically on the design of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes as an important skill for any land-use practitioner.

13 October
Nature-based solutions (NBS)

The world is looking for holistic and efficient ways to address multiple global challenges such as biodiversity loss, the climate crisis, food and water sovereignty, as well as preventing future global pandemics. During this meeting, led by Youth 4 Nature in collaboration with YIL and GLF, we will explore how and to what extent nature-based solutions (NBS) can be utilized for the benefit of our societies and the world’s biodiversity..



On the road to the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, and in line with the United Nations General Assembly declaration for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030), the Youth in Landscapes Initiative has invited youth organizations from all around the world to contribute to the Global Landscapes Forum Biodiversity Policy Brief. Through an intra- and inter-generational lens, this policy brief aims to bring into the global biodiversity agenda recommendations and action points for addressing the biodiversity crisis, based on knowledge co-created and shared during the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference.


80 participants from 37 countries embarked on a digital journey four weeks before the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference, following the new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Climate action in biodiverse landscapes”, and attending weekly interactive learning sessions on a range of topics. Through digital collaboration with peers, networking sessions, inspiring talks and skills-based training sessions, participants went on a journey of discovery about biocultural diversity in landscapes, climate action, biodiversity and finance, and nature-based solutions.

Do you want to learn more about these topics too? Read the outcome of each session!

(Description en français ci-dessous)

Sustainable Foodscapes: Pathways to Food and Seed Sovereignty in Africa/Paysages alimentaires durables : Les voies de la souveraineté alimentaire et semencière en Afrique

29 August 2023 08:00 UTC


Africa is pursuing food and seed sovereignty to tackle its food scarcity challenges and foster self-reliance in food production amidst the climate crisis. These challenges are  driven by the continent’s history of colonialism and global trade policies, which have often prioritized cash crops for export, neglecting the development of local food production and seed systems. As a result, African farmers have become dependent on imported seeds and inputs, leaving them vulnerable to external agricultural forces and reducing their control over their own agricultural practices. 

In recent years, there has been a growing movement towards food and seed sovereignty in Africa to reclaim control over local food production and seed systems to build resilient, sustainable food systems that meet the needs of the people, preserve biodiversity, promote environmental sustainability and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. As a result of the discussions held during the dialogue, participants  have developed the following calls to action the region: 


L’Afrique recherche la souveraineté alimentaire et semencière pour faire face aux problèmes de pénurie alimentaire et favoriser l’autosuffisance en matière de production alimentaire dans le contexte de la crise climatique. Ces défis sont liés à l’histoire du continent en matière de colonialisme et de politiques commerciales mondiales, qui ont souvent donné la priorité aux cultures de rente destinées à l’exportation, en négligeant le développement de la production alimentaire locale et des systèmes de semences. En conséquence, les agriculteurs africains sont devenus dépendants des semences et des intrants importés, ce qui les rend vulnérables aux forces agricoles extérieures et réduit leur contrôle sur leurs propres pratiques agricoles. 

Ces dernières années, un mouvement croissant de souveraineté alimentaire et semencière s’est développé en Afrique pour reprendre le contrôle de la production alimentaire locale et des systèmes semenciers afin de construire des systèmes alimentaires résilients et durables qui répondent aux besoins des populations, préservent la biodiversité, promeuvent la durabilité environnementale et améliorent les moyens de subsistance des petits exploitants agricoles. À la suite des discussions qui ont eu lieu au cours du dialogue, les participants ont élaboré les appels à l’action suivants pour la région :

The dialogue will be in English.

Losses and damages: Nurturing climate justice for extreme weather events in Asia

30 August 2023 19:00 UTC +8

Extreme weather events have become increasingly frequent in Asia and the Pacific. From the scorching high temperatures that currently grip the region to the relentless torrential rains, frequent droughts, heatwaves, floods, and wildfires, climate extremes have laid bare the vulnerability of marginalized communities across the region. As the adverse impacts of climate change become increasingly difficult to mitigate, we must pause and contemplate the root causes of these tragedies and imagine potential pathways to adapt to a changing climate. 

From loss and damage finance to a just energy transition, climate justice must stand at the center of any attempt to address the consequences of extreme weather events, acting as a guiding light for socially and environmentally responsible alternatives to the current state of affairs.  As a result of the discussions held during the dialogue, participants  have developed the following calls to action for:  

(Descrição em português abaixo)

Uso y acceso a la tierra en América Latina y el Caribe: combatiendo desigualdades y sembrando justicia climática/Uso e acesso à terra na América Latina e no Caribe: combatendo desigualdades e semeando justiça climática

31 de agosto de 2023 19:00 UTC -3


Los paisajes de América Latina y el Caribe han sufrido transformaciones destructivas en las últimas décadas, con consecuencias palpables para el acceso y el uso de la tierra en la región. El uso de la tierra se ha visto particularmente afectado por los avances de las industrias extractivistas, como la tala, la minería y la agricultura industrial, que han sido responsables de niveles récord de deforestación y pérdida de biodiversidad en todos los biomas. Más que una cuestión estrictamente medioambiental, el uso y acceso a la tierra tiene profundas consecuencias para las desigualdades sociales en América Latina y el Caribe, ya que la región sigue siendo la más desigual del mundo en términos de concentración de la tierra. El acaparamiento de tierras y la creciente tendencia a la desigualdad en la tenencia de la tierra están directamente relacionados con la precarización de los medios de vida de los grupos sociales marginados, en particular las comunidades indígenas y campesinas, que a menudo son expulsadas de sus tierras y empujadas a una situación de desposeimiento de tierras. 


Impulsados por el deseo de alcanzar la justicia climática y medioambiental, muchos activistas, científicos y profesionales están trabajando arduamente para restablecer un paradigma ecológico a la forma en que se utiliza la tierra, y para garantizar que la equidad se sitúe en el centro de la distribución de la tierra. Como resultado de los debates mantenidos durante el diálogo, participantes  han elaborado las siguientes llamadas a la acción para la región:


As paisagens da América Latina e do Caribe sofreram transformações destrutivas nas últimas décadas, acarretando consequências palpáveis para o acesso e o uso da terra na região. O uso da terra foi particularmente afetado pelos avanços dos setores extrativistas, como a exploração madeireira, a mineração e a agricultura industrial, que foram responsáveis por níveis recordes de desmatamento e perda de biodiversidade em todos os biomas. Mais do que uma questão estritamente ambiental, o uso e o acesso à terra têm consequências profundas para as desigualdades sociais na América Latina e no Caribe, visto que a região continua sendo a mais desigual do mundo em termos de concentração de terras. A concentração de terras e a tendência de aumento da desigualdade fundiária estão diretamente ligadas à precarização dos meios de subsistência de grupos sociais marginalizados, especialmente comunidades indígenas e camponesas, que são frequentemente expulsas de suas terras e levadas a uma situação de privação de terras. 

Motivados pelo desejo de alcançar a justiça climática e ambiental, inúmeros ativistas, cientistas e profissionais estão trabalhando arduamente para restabelecer um paradigma ecológico à forma como a terra é utilizada e garantir que a equidade esteja no centro da distribuição de terras. Como resultado das discussões realizadas durante o diálogo, os participantes desenvolveram os seguintes pedidos de ação para a região:





  • Veena Balakrishnan
    Youth Negotiators Academy
  • Dinesh Panday
    Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD)
  • Jitsai Santaputra
    Co-Founder, Youth for Energy Southeast Asia (Y4E-SEA) and SDG7 Global Youth Ambassador 2023-24)
  • Jefferson Estela
    Loss and Damage Youth Coalition/Youth Strike 4 Climate Philippines
  • Pervez Aly
    Fridays For Future Pakistan
  • Varun Tumuluru
    Global Landscapes Forum
  • Claire Huang
    Environmental Information Center (EIC)



  • Analí Bustos
    Universidad de Buenos Aires/ Reserva Natural Monte Alegre
  • Paloma Costa
    UN SG's Youth Advisory Group on Climate Changes/ Instituto Socioambiental (ISA)
  • Ariene Susui
    Indigenous Activist
  • Mitã Xipaya
    Rede de Jovens Comunicadores Indígenas - COIAB
  • David Cárdenas
    The Ecosystem Carbon Conservation (TECC)
  • Javier Valdivia Navarro
    Terra Global Capital/ Youth4Nature
  • Pedro (Pê) Magalhães
    Global Landscapes Forum
  • Gabriela Gavarrete
    El Salvador
    Un Pulmón Más