Tom Pfeiffer


Independent Director, Founder and Managing Partner
Independent Director, Founder and Managing Partner
Independent Director, Founder and Managing Partner
Triple Line Advisory
Triple Line Advisory
Triple Line Advisory

Tom Pfeiffer is a financial auditor (“Réviseur d’entreprises agréé”) and certified accountant (“Expert Comptable”) for 22 years. He was an Audit Partner and Sustainability Leader at Deloitte in Luxembourg before setting up his new company “Triple Line Advisory” just recently. Today, Tom acts as Independent Director and Advisor. In times sustainable finance is becoming more than a trend, he helps his clients in the financial and non-financial sector to navigate through uncharted waters. Tom is trained in Performance Audit and Project Evaluation as well as in GRI reporting. He is a fellow of Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership and is certified in Sustainability Management. Tom is a member of the LuxFlag Green Bonds eligibility committee.